What could be better than happy, creative children who want
to learn, love and play? The list of
rules is long, but in all it’s just for play.
We don’t live by tight rules. An occasional bouncy time on the bed or
the couch happens, but not everyday. I
want to remember that my children are children.
They don’t need to act like little adults. Polite yes, prim and proper always? No. We encourage lots of play in the mud,
bouncing on the trampoline while holding a hose, back yard adventures that
include tipis, worms, and archery. That
reminds me of another rule, you must wear underpants under your Indian costume
that you have made with paper, yarn and scotch tape.
We learned back when we only had two children, when our
third went straight to heaven and not into our arms, that children are truly a
gift from God. They are not ours. Even though we name them, care for them, play
with them, teach them and all of those different things, they are not
ours. Each and every child belongs to
God. Each and every child has been put
here, in our care, ultimately to be trained to serve Him, love Him and to point
others to Him. I don’t want to mold my
little ones into what I want them to be, but rather what the Father wants them
to be. I want to teach them to yield
their will to mine when they are young, so that when they are older they will
yield their will to Gods. Yielding of
themselves won’t be a brand new idea.
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