Saturday, September 27, 2014


it's crazy at times... the ways emotions can roll in like the waves.  little wave. little wave.  whoa!!! watch out wave.

my best friend is moving.
my BFF.
my drop everything, drop to our knees , we gotta pray type of BFF.
my let's have coffee for hours, talk, read, pray.
that's the one.

the funny thing is, is that i'm the one who moved five years ago.  i can still see her as i got into my big red excursion with all six of my children of various heights and ages strapped in.  she was bawling.  not just bawling but bawwlllinng...  and now.  here's me.  even though we are miles apart we are still on this same side of the country.  the same state.  the same "edge of the map".  and i am picturing her getting into the big car -  a truck most likely - and i'm bawwwllllinnng.   i am so happy for her.  i am so sad...

that's what we do though right?  we change seasons.  our coffee season was like this.  we meet pretty faithfully once a week for coffee (jonoe).  we talked.  we laughed.  we cried.  we read our Bibles.  we prayed.  we rolled on the floor in the coffee shop holding our bellies from laughing so hard.  we drank gallons of coffee.  "coffee IV please. chair 1"

we did this for about 9 years.  seriously.  9 years.  in crisis times, which of course basically means ill perception of what it was/is that God has called us to do, we met more than once a week.

this is probably one of the biggest gifts i have ever received in my life.
with this friend, i know that i am excepted.  i am loved.  i am reminded, know and BELIEVE that God loves me.  that His son Jesus loves me.  i am reminded of truth.  of what really matters.

this is my best friend.

dear sweet gal on the other side of the map...
here she is.
she's amazing.
she loves Jesus.
she sings.
she's big into excersize. - (i know that's weird.  don't tell her.  it makes her happy.)
there's so much....

this i know.  God's timing is always perfect.
He is the changer of the seasons.
Father, please go forth of my BFF.
provide for her and her family.
Lord, when she is settling in to her new little nest, please send a flock of friends.  the ones who love you.  the ones who will challenge her in her faith.  the ones who will share this next season with her.
and Lord....there is still another BFF of hers and mine that will be in that little country town.  Father God, please more than ever, be that BFF to her that she needs.  we trust you Lord - with everything.

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